Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Maternal Instincts?

Yesterday took a break from studying and went to watch the long-overdue Spidey 3 with CheersKipp & family =)

The show was great.. Dont u think Sandman looks a bit like arnie? haha.. And the effects for the black goo was quite cool too..

Cheers sat beside me during the show and it was a pleasure to watch her watch the show. She was dwarfed by the seat, and would be watching attentively with those large watery eyes of hers, clutching her jacket.

When the trailers begun, she kept asking me.. "start already?" Then when a different trailer came on.. she would ask again.. "start already?"

The innocence in her voice would really melt the coldest hearts.

I had never wanted kids. Since i was a teen, i detest kids actually. The wailing, the dribbling, their needy-ness was too much for me to handle. But looking at those 2 darlings, i cant help but want my own children.

Looking at how dear plays with, entertains and teaches them, I feel a sense of joy cos i know he is going to be a fabulous father.

I finally understand why people say that it is the children that completes a family.

Haha.. Hopefully i dont scare dear of with all these baby talk =)

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