Sunday, September 09, 2007

Last Day as a Miss

Yup.. that day has finally arrived! Today is the day i get married! I've only had 6 hrs of beauty sleep today... not cos i dont want to.. but cos i cant.

I'm so anxious that I feel like i'm going to puke. But this is good anxiety.. Like those that you have when u are about to go on stage and receive a award in front of the nation...

So far so good... Just cant breathe too well.. haha. Hopefully the skies will be clear and it be windy and cooling and not too sunny and....... nvm... Just dont rain can le =)

Regrettably, some people cant make it to our wedding but i am looking forward to meeting all the people I havent seen in a while.

Gosh... I really feel like puking... I just wish I can go back to bed now and just sleep it off.

Today will be the day I become a Mrs Sia.. something that i have dreamt about for a long long time. I cant wait to make the promise to my dear, to cherish him and love him till death do us part.
