Yesterday was just me and Dear, having some nice together time as he celebrated my birthday for me. He woke me up bright & early at 9+ for breakfast.. Was a lil irritated cos I was slpy! But decided not to be a brat n went to change etc. When to Plaza Singapura [~Where Clever people shop~ LOL!!! Thats their slogan....] to have some Macs breakfast.. Yummy hotcakes.. Saw millions of school kids there tho.. They better enjoy their youth while it lasts..
Went on to watch this beautiful documentary. La Marche de l'empereur or March of the Penguins. Some may find it stupid to pay $7 to watch a documentary in cinema but trust me, it was worth every single penny he paid ^^ The footage of Antartica was absolutely amazing and jaw dropping. It feels so surreal, so hard to imagine that there is such place of beauty, untainted and perfect. Like every good movie, it brings you through waves of emotion : Laughter, sadness, fear and anticipation... without the use of arty farty editing or computer graphics. The Northern Lights u see is REAL.. the gushing of the winds across the ice fields is REAL.. the HUge [tens of thousands] flocks of penguins ambling across large fields of ice n snow is REAl. Gosh.. Its just really jaw dropping.. I really recommend it! Its REALLY a lot better than THAT show about a car that races and winks at pple =P
Proceeded on to Swensons where we sat there a few hours just talking about our future, our individual plans.. It was really nice since its been some time since we actually discuss about our futures. After sitting till our butts ached, we decided to be funny and went to the arcade! Played some funny racing game, which i think he let me win, and played a shooting game. The one with pink n blue controllers? and have many stages, each with 4 individual stage? I died real fast *grumbles* He kept stealing my shots.. lol.. It was so fun... =)

All went well cept of 1 idiot there. He was loud and irritating, who thinks he's damn good. How old already still use 5566's ringtone?? It was this woman's birthday (heh.. my bouquet bigger okAy) and they had a bunch of friends celebrating.. Had wine prepared n stuff. While going to order, that idiot actually told one of the waiters to ask the manager to come n take their orders!! WTH! Felt like kicking his ass... Why??? Normal waiters not good enough for ur fat ass is it??? Trying to impress the birthday girl is it?? Pls leh.. no matter how hard u try also wont get laid de........ Grrr..
Well, beautiful ending to a beautiful day cos he called for a Merc cab home! Travelling home in style.. The taxi driver so cute also.. saw that it was my birthday and gave me some sweets... haha... and said happy birthday and some well wishes when we alighted.. so nice.. Came home to see more presents on the table and it was a Eeyore Cup n eeyore toy! I llluuurrrvvveee eeyore.. i have millions of them at home =) Even got this eeyore head that dispenses PEZ. LOL.. I go weak in the knees for them..
Everyone is so sweet.. too bad not my birthday everyday.. heh.. or once every 2 weeks also not bad.. ahaha...
Okie.. I think post too long le... Tmr working le.. sian...
Good luck on your new blog. I just started mine as well. Maybe you can post a message on mine in a few months - to remind me to come back and see how it is coming.
Cheers and happy belated B-day!
Thanx.. =)
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