I've been so busy that i havent really had the time to blog.. opps~ But i've got soo much things to "talk" about!
First things first, my hair turned out totally gorgeous.. too bad it wasnt longer tho.. Its almost like my existing hair colour.. but a lot lighter =) and it was a lot cheaper than i expected! The coolest thing is that they have those kind Japanese hair washing machine there! So after rinsing off all the stinky dye, the guy tucked my head into this bowlish thingy and started e machine. It was the BEST hair wash i had ever had!! All the funky jets will move all over ur head like those in Sentosa's musical fountain.. PLUS they use mint shampoo! Super cool.. Sure beats having ur scalp scrapped off by some ladies' nails^^
Also, I've gotten my results! Whew~ All Passed. I was so anxious.. If fail, i dont know how to tell my dad.. I barely scrapped through Sociology though [Passing mark:34 Me:35] If this is not called heng.. i dunno what is. Surprising, I did better in Statistics than in Maths.. Laughs.. My stats really stank.. Looks like my maths was worse! heh..
On sat, Keng and alex celebrated my birthday for me~! They are such sweethearts. We meet at Breko's for dinner. Once i arrived, they started to insist that i wore whatever they were going to give me. First reaction was definitely "crazy....!" God knows what those crazy guys were up to. Dear looked clueless too.. But wat the heck, its my birthday and we're gonna party like its my birthday..! So they presented me with my 1st present..........
It was a Freaking tiara! With matching earrings!! Hahha.. so cute... Tho it was teenie bit too small [the box says for 3 yrs old n ablove -__-], I wore it till my head begun to cramp..
The next gift was the cutest thing.. It was fairy wings!! Like those that you wear for Halloween. Again, it was wayy too small.. B4 keng presented me with the last gift, i told him, "Pls do not tell me u guys got a matching wand.." He proceeded to fish out a really pretty wand!! It was my favourite of all..
Tadah.. the end product...

The wand nice right??! It actually matches with the tiara. I know i look a bit spastic.. (who doesnt)..
Anyway, I was so touched cos they actually took e effort to buy me something so sweet for my birthday.. awww... Thanx guys.. If u guys ever get to read this =)
We proceeded to DblO for a real rocking good time. I never expected us to stay till the end, cos knowing Alex, he needs his slp. Plus before that, they all looked pretty tired. But we had so so SO much fun, drinking and dancing.. Only end up leaving at 330.. ^^
Its my birthday today.. not sure what he has planned for me =) I hope that my upcoming yr will be smooth.. no more funny cockups.. =)
So late le.. Need beauty slp if i wanna look nice tmr.. heh.. Nightz~!
1 comment:
Love the blog. So sweet and nicely written!
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