Watch Nightwatch if...
u want a splitting headache..
u have too much money and time to spend and waste..
u wanna come out of the cinema thoroughly disturbed..
u want a splitting headache..
The first installment of a trilogy, this movie, by Timbor Bekmambetov, was said to be a big hit in Russia. So big that Universal [or some other movie company] bought over the rights to show it as soon as they could. (or so i heard.. laughs) WTH were they thinking?! *shakes head* It was honestly one of the worst films i've watched. I'm really not much of a critic of movies, cos i dont mind mediocracy in films. At e end of the day, just as long as the movies redeems itself slightly, its alright.
Nightwatch was seriously trying tooo hard to be like the Matrix, infusing themes like The One, with 2 sides [good vs evil.. duh~] forever in battle. And there will be a BIG battle to end it all. The good= [as always] human race while the evil= "race of monsters". Monsters being vampires. -___- How refreshing. There was zero climax to the show, all [3] the subplots ended as fast as it started. Plus, the directing style was weird, even messy as it incorporates the 'BOO' effect with 'chim-up-to-ur-own-interpretation' effects, together with flashing lights n screams. Thus my headache.... To me, it was just trying too hard.
This show is definitely NOT a show to watch. With such a disappointing start to e trilogy, i wonder who else would wanna watch e next... maybe except the Russians.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Anni celebrations~!
Well well, we've been together for half a decade now.. seems like ages, doesnt it? And i still love him so much! Mushy i know but when i looked into his eyes last night, it all felt so right.
We had a really nice kick start to our anniversary. We bought all sorts of junk food [even tho we were coughing], huddled together n watched LOTR.. So fun.. watched till wee hours in e morning, 6 am to be exact, & that's only 2 episodes. It was really nice n sweet.. smiles..
Instead of having dinner at a swanky restaurant, we decided to keep it simple. So we went to Sakae Sushi at Lot 1 for sushi buffet! =) Too bad they didnt have Unagi sushi. Apparently, it was sent back for inspection. Is there any funky unagi disease that i dont know about? Laughs.. cos the waiter had looked at me funny n told me matter-of-factly that they didnt have Unagi. Thinking it was another fish sushi that i like, I ordered Kohada sushi -__-
Yucks.. Being e sua-ku n blind person that i am, i had NO idea it was raw fish la! I took a nibble out of it and EURGH!! Felt like Gollum........ My poor dear had to eat it for me.. Lol... the things he has to do for me.....
After heading home n resting our [esp his] stomachs, i gave him his anni present! heh.. i think he liked it very much =) Proceeded to enjoy a nice bowl of instant noodles each, after dancing cheek to cheek to nice, sentimental songs..
*sighs blissfully* Nice ending to a nice day......
Well well, we've been together for half a decade now.. seems like ages, doesnt it? And i still love him so much! Mushy i know but when i looked into his eyes last night, it all felt so right.
We had a really nice kick start to our anniversary. We bought all sorts of junk food [even tho we were coughing], huddled together n watched LOTR.. So fun.. watched till wee hours in e morning, 6 am to be exact, & that's only 2 episodes. It was really nice n sweet.. smiles..
Instead of having dinner at a swanky restaurant, we decided to keep it simple. So we went to Sakae Sushi at Lot 1 for sushi buffet! =) Too bad they didnt have Unagi sushi. Apparently, it was sent back for inspection. Is there any funky unagi disease that i dont know about? Laughs.. cos the waiter had looked at me funny n told me matter-of-factly that they didnt have Unagi. Thinking it was another fish sushi that i like, I ordered Kohada sushi -__-
Yucks.. Being e sua-ku n blind person that i am, i had NO idea it was raw fish la! I took a nibble out of it and EURGH!! Felt like Gollum........ My poor dear had to eat it for me.. Lol... the things he has to do for me.....
After heading home n resting our [esp his] stomachs, i gave him his anni present! heh.. i think he liked it very much =) Proceeded to enjoy a nice bowl of instant noodles each, after dancing cheek to cheek to nice, sentimental songs..
*sighs blissfully* Nice ending to a nice day......
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Happy 5 yrs anniversary my dear..
Thank you for always being there for me, whether i liked it or not..
Thank you for bringing so much cheer into my life, even when it seems impossible for me to smile.
Thank you for enriching my life, and always putting my interest first..
Thank you for always hanging in there, even when it seems that out is a better option.
Thank you for enduring my silly little habits, even when it exasperates u beyond belief..
Thank you for loving me dear.... *muacks*
Happy anniversary baby. Hopefully it has been all worthwhile..
Thank you for always being there for me, whether i liked it or not..
Thank you for bringing so much cheer into my life, even when it seems impossible for me to smile.
Thank you for enriching my life, and always putting my interest first..
Thank you for always hanging in there, even when it seems that out is a better option.
Thank you for enduring my silly little habits, even when it exasperates u beyond belief..
Thank you for loving me dear.... *muacks*
Happy anniversary baby. Hopefully it has been all worthwhile..
Monday, September 12, 2005
Sick sick sick..
been feeling so sick.. yucks.. coughing, headaches and i've got a nose thats as stuck as an elephant in a drainage pipe. But at least i've not got work for the next week till monday.. So can give my poor feet time to heal from the blisters..
Gonna start school on wednesday =( Not looking forward to it.. Start of a school term means studying, going through the stressful exams periods again..
Feeling rather jaded about life lately, so sick and tired of everything.. Prolly just my hormones talking..
My head is killing me.. gotta go rest..
been feeling so sick.. yucks.. coughing, headaches and i've got a nose thats as stuck as an elephant in a drainage pipe. But at least i've not got work for the next week till monday.. So can give my poor feet time to heal from the blisters..
Gonna start school on wednesday =( Not looking forward to it.. Start of a school term means studying, going through the stressful exams periods again..
Feeling rather jaded about life lately, so sick and tired of everything.. Prolly just my hormones talking..
My head is killing me.. gotta go rest..
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Feeling rather unsettled and pissed off.. Grrr.. Ready to go into a plate-smashing rage.. so decided to whine here to blow off some inner steam and hopefully, avoid any clashes.
1. Making a mountain out of a molehill. Don't you just hate it when people blow things wayyy out of proportion, even though its just a really small matter -___-
2. When people dont replenish the toilet paper!! Girls being girls, we need to use the toilet paper after we're done with our daily business right? If not its pretty gross. So i really cant see why those who went before dont have e basic courtesy to just put in a fresh roll!? I honestly dont think putting in a new roll would induce too much sweat, would it?
3. Thinking you're the boss of me. [This does not apply to actual bosses.] Like wtf, who e hell u think i am? Get ur lazy ass off the chair and do it yourself! Grr..
4. Those really kiasu aunties who would rush from the front of the bus to the back of the bus just to get that empty-but-still-warm seat, disregarding the countless toes that were in e way. True, there are lots of ill-mannered people who wont give up their seats to those who need it more, but must be so kiasu? I think [most] singaporeans are a bunch of nice people.. so pls aunties, relax a lil......
5. Bitches. [This does not apply to people who look like bitches but are actually really nice ^^] I mean, what's the point of being so stuck up and bitchy. So u think u have style n character is it? Pls.... at e end of the day, who e hell wants to be in the company of people like that =P
6. Lousy service. I absolutely detest lousy service. Being a paying customer, be it at a restaurant or a shop, one would expect good, or at least fair service. Afterall, you are paid to service the customers right?? Grrr.. So i cant understand why people would give funky service. Good service = happy customers = more tips/ better business! You will also really make the customers' day. I get really happy when i get good service..
Good service places: Black Angus, Guess @ Scotts & where i'm working at ^^
Bad service places: Moshi Moshi @ Wisma [-_- I'll never buy another piece of jewellery there again], Stadium @ Taka.
Okay.. Reduced it from 10 to 6, cos i cant think of anything else.. haha.. So unless i'm pms-ing, i think its quite hard to really piss me off. (but on e flip side.. if i'm pms-ing.. pls be careful.. LOL) Bleah.. tmr must go to work. My feet has 4 scary-ly big blisters so i dunno how i'm going to wear my shoes while at work.. But lucky tomorrow is nice John working, not e evil Charles.. Pls pray there wont be much people..
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My birthday celebrations!
Yesterday was just me and Dear, having some nice together time as he celebrated my birthday for me. He woke me up bright & early at 9+ for breakfast.. Was a lil irritated cos I was slpy! But decided not to be a brat n went to change etc. When to Plaza Singapura [~Where Clever people shop~ LOL!!! Thats their slogan....] to have some Macs breakfast.. Yummy hotcakes.. Saw millions of school kids there tho.. They better enjoy their youth while it lasts..
Went on to watch this beautiful documentary. La Marche de l'empereur or March of the Penguins. Some may find it stupid to pay $7 to watch a documentary in cinema but trust me, it was worth every single penny he paid ^^ The footage of Antartica was absolutely amazing and jaw dropping. It feels so surreal, so hard to imagine that there is such place of beauty, untainted and perfect. Like every good movie, it brings you through waves of emotion : Laughter, sadness, fear and anticipation... without the use of arty farty editing or computer graphics. The Northern Lights u see is REAL.. the gushing of the winds across the ice fields is REAL.. the HUge [tens of thousands] flocks of penguins ambling across large fields of ice n snow is REAl. Gosh.. Its just really jaw dropping.. I really recommend it! Its REALLY a lot better than THAT show about a car that races and winks at pple =P
Proceeded on to Swensons where we sat there a few hours just talking about our future, our individual plans.. It was really nice since its been some time since we actually discuss about our futures. After sitting till our butts ached, we decided to be funny and went to the arcade! Played some funny racing game, which i think he let me win, and played a shooting game. The one with pink n blue controllers? and have many stages, each with 4 individual stage? I died real fast *grumbles* He kept stealing my shots.. lol.. It was so fun... =)
The last part of the day was e most delicious and the best part. We headed to Black Angus at 1Fullerton. Before we started, he had a surprise for me!! It was so lovely! It was this huge pink bouquet of roses.. *awwww..* Though girls say that its a waste of money etc, dont be fooled guys.. we still love it when we receive them.. heh. We proceeded to have a nice, quiet romantic dinner, complete with lovely weather, seabreeze and candelight. The manager was so nice too. When our desert came, he was like, "its ur birthday right?' He then placed a candle on the icecream, took a polaroid for us and even took the liberty to put it in a nice photoframe n write happy birthday on the back. So nice.. service so good... I likeee....
All went well cept of 1 idiot there. He was loud and irritating, who thinks he's damn good. How old already still use 5566's ringtone?? It was this woman's birthday (heh.. my bouquet bigger okAy) and they had a bunch of friends celebrating.. Had wine prepared n stuff. While going to order, that idiot actually told one of the waiters to ask the manager to come n take their orders!! WTH! Felt like kicking his ass... Why??? Normal waiters not good enough for ur fat ass is it??? Trying to impress the birthday girl is it?? Pls leh.. no matter how hard u try also wont get laid de........ Grrr..
Well, beautiful ending to a beautiful day cos he called for a Merc cab home! Travelling home in style.. The taxi driver so cute also.. saw that it was my birthday and gave me some sweets... haha... and said happy birthday and some well wishes when we alighted.. so nice.. Came home to see more presents on the table and it was a Eeyore Cup n eeyore toy! I llluuurrrvvveee eeyore.. i have millions of them at home =) Even got this eeyore head that dispenses PEZ. LOL.. I go weak in the knees for them..
Everyone is so sweet.. too bad not my birthday everyday.. heh.. or once every 2 weeks also not bad.. ahaha...
Okie.. I think post too long le... Tmr working le.. sian...
Yesterday was just me and Dear, having some nice together time as he celebrated my birthday for me. He woke me up bright & early at 9+ for breakfast.. Was a lil irritated cos I was slpy! But decided not to be a brat n went to change etc. When to Plaza Singapura [~Where Clever people shop~ LOL!!! Thats their slogan....] to have some Macs breakfast.. Yummy hotcakes.. Saw millions of school kids there tho.. They better enjoy their youth while it lasts..
Went on to watch this beautiful documentary. La Marche de l'empereur or March of the Penguins. Some may find it stupid to pay $7 to watch a documentary in cinema but trust me, it was worth every single penny he paid ^^ The footage of Antartica was absolutely amazing and jaw dropping. It feels so surreal, so hard to imagine that there is such place of beauty, untainted and perfect. Like every good movie, it brings you through waves of emotion : Laughter, sadness, fear and anticipation... without the use of arty farty editing or computer graphics. The Northern Lights u see is REAL.. the gushing of the winds across the ice fields is REAL.. the HUge [tens of thousands] flocks of penguins ambling across large fields of ice n snow is REAl. Gosh.. Its just really jaw dropping.. I really recommend it! Its REALLY a lot better than THAT show about a car that races and winks at pple =P
Proceeded on to Swensons where we sat there a few hours just talking about our future, our individual plans.. It was really nice since its been some time since we actually discuss about our futures. After sitting till our butts ached, we decided to be funny and went to the arcade! Played some funny racing game, which i think he let me win, and played a shooting game. The one with pink n blue controllers? and have many stages, each with 4 individual stage? I died real fast *grumbles* He kept stealing my shots.. lol.. It was so fun... =)

All went well cept of 1 idiot there. He was loud and irritating, who thinks he's damn good. How old already still use 5566's ringtone?? It was this woman's birthday (heh.. my bouquet bigger okAy) and they had a bunch of friends celebrating.. Had wine prepared n stuff. While going to order, that idiot actually told one of the waiters to ask the manager to come n take their orders!! WTH! Felt like kicking his ass... Why??? Normal waiters not good enough for ur fat ass is it??? Trying to impress the birthday girl is it?? Pls leh.. no matter how hard u try also wont get laid de........ Grrr..
Well, beautiful ending to a beautiful day cos he called for a Merc cab home! Travelling home in style.. The taxi driver so cute also.. saw that it was my birthday and gave me some sweets... haha... and said happy birthday and some well wishes when we alighted.. so nice.. Came home to see more presents on the table and it was a Eeyore Cup n eeyore toy! I llluuurrrvvveee eeyore.. i have millions of them at home =) Even got this eeyore head that dispenses PEZ. LOL.. I go weak in the knees for them..
Everyone is so sweet.. too bad not my birthday everyday.. heh.. or once every 2 weeks also not bad.. ahaha...
Okie.. I think post too long le... Tmr working le.. sian...
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Happy Birthday to me~!
I've been so busy that i havent really had the time to blog.. opps~ But i've got soo much things to "talk" about!
First things first, my hair turned out totally gorgeous.. too bad it wasnt longer tho.. Its almost like my existing hair colour.. but a lot lighter =) and it was a lot cheaper than i expected! The coolest thing is that they have those kind Japanese hair washing machine there! So after rinsing off all the stinky dye, the guy tucked my head into this bowlish thingy and started e machine. It was the BEST hair wash i had ever had!! All the funky jets will move all over ur head like those in Sentosa's musical fountain.. PLUS they use mint shampoo! Super cool.. Sure beats having ur scalp scrapped off by some ladies' nails^^
Also, I've gotten my results! Whew~ All Passed. I was so anxious.. If fail, i dont know how to tell my dad.. I barely scrapped through Sociology though [Passing mark:34 Me:35] If this is not called heng.. i dunno what is. Surprising, I did better in Statistics than in Maths.. Laughs.. My stats really stank.. Looks like my maths was worse! heh..
On sat, Keng and alex celebrated my birthday for me~! They are such sweethearts. We meet at Breko's for dinner. Once i arrived, they started to insist that i wore whatever they were going to give me. First reaction was definitely "crazy....!" God knows what those crazy guys were up to. Dear looked clueless too.. But wat the heck, its my birthday and we're gonna party like its my birthday..! So they presented me with my 1st present..........
It was a Freaking tiara! With matching earrings!! Hahha.. so cute... Tho it was teenie bit too small [the box says for 3 yrs old n ablove -__-], I wore it till my head begun to cramp..
The next gift was the cutest thing.. It was fairy wings!! Like those that you wear for Halloween. Again, it was wayy too small.. B4 keng presented me with the last gift, i told him, "Pls do not tell me u guys got a matching wand.." He proceeded to fish out a really pretty wand!! It was my favourite of all..
Tadah.. the end product...

The wand nice right??! It actually matches with the tiara. I know i look a bit spastic.. (who doesnt)..
Anyway, I was so touched cos they actually took e effort to buy me something so sweet for my birthday.. awww... Thanx guys.. If u guys ever get to read this =)
We proceeded to DblO for a real rocking good time. I never expected us to stay till the end, cos knowing Alex, he needs his slp. Plus before that, they all looked pretty tired. But we had so so SO much fun, drinking and dancing.. Only end up leaving at 330.. ^^
Its my birthday today.. not sure what he has planned for me =) I hope that my upcoming yr will be smooth.. no more funny cockups.. =)
So late le.. Need beauty slp if i wanna look nice tmr.. heh.. Nightz~!
I've been so busy that i havent really had the time to blog.. opps~ But i've got soo much things to "talk" about!
First things first, my hair turned out totally gorgeous.. too bad it wasnt longer tho.. Its almost like my existing hair colour.. but a lot lighter =) and it was a lot cheaper than i expected! The coolest thing is that they have those kind Japanese hair washing machine there! So after rinsing off all the stinky dye, the guy tucked my head into this bowlish thingy and started e machine. It was the BEST hair wash i had ever had!! All the funky jets will move all over ur head like those in Sentosa's musical fountain.. PLUS they use mint shampoo! Super cool.. Sure beats having ur scalp scrapped off by some ladies' nails^^
Also, I've gotten my results! Whew~ All Passed. I was so anxious.. If fail, i dont know how to tell my dad.. I barely scrapped through Sociology though [Passing mark:34 Me:35] If this is not called heng.. i dunno what is. Surprising, I did better in Statistics than in Maths.. Laughs.. My stats really stank.. Looks like my maths was worse! heh..
On sat, Keng and alex celebrated my birthday for me~! They are such sweethearts. We meet at Breko's for dinner. Once i arrived, they started to insist that i wore whatever they were going to give me. First reaction was definitely "crazy....!" God knows what those crazy guys were up to. Dear looked clueless too.. But wat the heck, its my birthday and we're gonna party like its my birthday..! So they presented me with my 1st present..........
It was a Freaking tiara! With matching earrings!! Hahha.. so cute... Tho it was teenie bit too small [the box says for 3 yrs old n ablove -__-], I wore it till my head begun to cramp..
The next gift was the cutest thing.. It was fairy wings!! Like those that you wear for Halloween. Again, it was wayy too small.. B4 keng presented me with the last gift, i told him, "Pls do not tell me u guys got a matching wand.." He proceeded to fish out a really pretty wand!! It was my favourite of all..
Tadah.. the end product...

The wand nice right??! It actually matches with the tiara. I know i look a bit spastic.. (who doesnt)..
Anyway, I was so touched cos they actually took e effort to buy me something so sweet for my birthday.. awww... Thanx guys.. If u guys ever get to read this =)
We proceeded to DblO for a real rocking good time. I never expected us to stay till the end, cos knowing Alex, he needs his slp. Plus before that, they all looked pretty tired. But we had so so SO much fun, drinking and dancing.. Only end up leaving at 330.. ^^
Its my birthday today.. not sure what he has planned for me =) I hope that my upcoming yr will be smooth.. no more funny cockups.. =)
So late le.. Need beauty slp if i wanna look nice tmr.. heh.. Nightz~!
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