Heh.. Was 1 of the first few in singapore to watch (hah! Beat that alex... 1st time watch a show b4 u... lol) There wasnt any other celebrities besides the entire cast of the show, so no Tay Ping Hui (siiiggghhhh..) or Fiona Xie (srry keng.. lol..). Nick Shen is so cute in real life! Nice bod too.. I think his waist smaller than mine.. laughs...
And i had no idea Lido Theatre 1 was so big... Rows A to Z -_-" Madness. We were at row T so all the VIPs were sitting beside us. Everyone was trying to look at the people coming into the theatre.. haha.. so u see everyone craning their necks & looking at the entrance.
And there was a goodie bag on EVERY seat in the theatre.. Inside got:
Singtel hanphone stuff (no wonder my mom got this lobang)
A brolly
1 bottle of Mineral Water
I Not Stupid Too red packets (wonder who e hell will use it)
1 bottle of New Moon Chicken Essence & Essence of Fish w American Ginseng each!
Wah seh... New moon a lot of money to splash ah? Shld have taken more bags from the 1st few rows when leaving.. haha.. Or rather jus fish out the 2 bottles of good stuff.. laughs.. Kaisu Sg-ean rearing its ugly head..
Before the show started, there was a short hi-session by the cast members.. Took a picture of the 3 main guys of the show.. Quality wasnt very gd la.. But dont you think the left one quite shuai? Boyish charm.. i likkeee.. lol.. That's zhenghan's not-on-e-same-floor neighbour wor.. Maybe shld go hijack him one day when he comes back from school..

Dont really like the middle guy.. Not my type.. He's cool but perhaps too cool le... He's those kind of guy that can make Sec 1 girls faint by just looking at them.. haha...
MUST GO WATCH AH.. Its even better if u watch it from monday to thursday before 5! haha.. Cheaper. But its really worth it la.. I'm gonna go buy e dvd or vcd when it come out!
Plus another incentive of guys to watch.. got pretty girl wor.. (and she looks a lot better in real life! so imagine that! heh)
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