Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Not that there is any other word, but seriously... the sadness of funerals really seep into ur bones & inevitably trigger those tear ducts.
Yesterday i was back at the funeral.. Helping to take photos. Yes.. photos. Why in the world i'm required to take photos at a funeral.. i have no idea.. It just feel so "zek ark"
Photos are suppose to capture happy memories, no?
It was all well till the last rites.. Everyone, even my really gungho friend, was sobbing away and u can really feel their anguish tho ur sitting a distance away. I didnt have thre heart to take any photos then.
Then i started to think about my loved ones, how would things be when they are suddenly taken from us.
How about me? Will there be people at my wake?
But when i die, i dont want to have any of these noisy rites. I just want to be cremeted & scattered somewhere, perferably on e same day.
Just dont want to put out people and waste people's time n money.
Dear is really tired from this, and it pains me so to see him so tired & listless in bed. I doubt he has had any good sleeps recently.
Just waiting for the weekends i guess.. Hopefully things will get better.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I had such a kuku morning..
Woke up at an ungodly hour of 1030 just so i can bring my dear's supposedly spoilt phone down to Nokia Care Centre @ Woodlands.
I reached at 1105.. Just a MERE 5 mins after it opens.. and there was already a crowd in the bloody shop~! & when i got my queue number.. I was number 29~ Just after 5 mins.....!
Whats the world coming to... I arrive at a shop 5 mins after it opens and i already have an "estimate wait time of 30 mins"..???
i think singaporeans are mad..
And i think someone up there is not very happy with me.
When we checked the phone out last night , the picture was grainy.
When i checked the phone out this morning, the picture was still grainy.
When i checked the phone out on the train to woodlands , the picture was STILL grainy.
When i checked the phone out while waiting for my queue, THE PICTURE WAS PERFECTLY FINE~! zzzz...
Just as i was formulating what i was going to say to those ppl..
Just as I was thinking how much i'll bitch n scream if they want to void my warranty..
Anyways, afterwards i did some grocery shopping for dinner tonight. Whilst waiting at the bus stop, there was this horrible kid eating ice cubes and spitting the ice chips at his younger sister~! U can really see the whole spray of saliva n ice...
Imagine the truckloads of germs... =/
So, I was horrified when, not 1 but 2(!) drops of his spit landed on my hand! YUCKS. Worse thing is his sister joined in the "fun" immediately after.
Their parents werent with them... their maid was.. Of cos nothing was done.
I think if i am a parent & i trust my maid's morals & sanity enough.. I would give her the go ahead to scold my kids if they should ever display such sheer garbage in public.
Oh yes.. I've gotten my photos.. lol.. I think its ok.. The more u look at it.. the nicer it gets? haha.. so yeah.. my photos grow on u.. So if u dont like it the first time, come back often to stare at me ya? haha..

nice? =)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
dear.. dont blame me if i slp past ur lunch time ya? haha.. Tho i gtg wake up at 12 ba.. to prepare..
When u have time read through e smses k? Its really nice.. Since u were too tired to do it together.. I guess this is another way =)
I hope u slept well dear.. Must wake u up soon le..
*hugs* I love u baby..
Back breaking work man.. squinting at the phone n typing out the sms.. still left about 200+
Plus i aint a very fast typer...
Now i slightly know how all u OSC ppl feel. lol..
Super cold & hungry so made myself a cup noodles.. Wish dear was able to share it w me.
Remembering all the memories that we have is fun... But I cant help but wonder if we have really regressed to being "those" couples..
I miss those happy, carefree days.
p.s this chilli crab taste like shiet.. noodles taste like cardboard.. bleah~
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Zzz.. not sure if i shld be happy about their efficency. Bu shi shou hao 2 weeks ma? >.< What if the photos they choose for my portfolio are all about me in a-awkward-smile-1-eye-smaller-than-the-other poses?
Boohoo.. Then i'll just burn the stupid disk. =/
... And maybe the company..
(KIDDING~ in case this comes back to haunt me..)
Anyway, going out w my momma tmr~ Help her relieve some stress at work. In a way, I'm glad my father dumped us cos i'm so much closer to my mom le. Tho it seems super selfish of me to think this way since my mom is so chum.
But.. I LURVE my momma~!
( ..and u too dear....)
Xmas & New Year is
But this year, we can finally have some time to ourselves~! We can bring out the bubbly w/o worrying about 2 other aunts polishing it off.. lol..
Anyways, What shld we do this xmas dear.. W ur busy schedule now, I'm desperate for a "holiday"..
We'll wait till after the hols, when all the pesky kids and annoying aunties are back in SG, and we take a nice (spa) holiday to anywhere.
But my poor heart cannot wait so long.. lol.. What are we going to do during Xmas/NY then?
Any suggestions? =)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
heehee... Just got back from my photo shoot~!
Although about 70% of my savings is gone, I'm quite ok with it. To me, its money well spent ^^
I got to dress up as a bride! Oh my.. My hair was done so nice.. Simple but gorgeous. I like the french lace dangling from e back with the flower~
I wanna look like that when i get married.. Perhaps even nicer!
I hope i'll look nice >.<
*crosses fingers*
Must wait for another 2 weeks before i can see the end product. Must learn how to pose tho.. Haha..
"Tilt to the left... no no no... not so much... ok... Chin down.. Shoulders face there... Ok.. Look at me... Smile~!"
Maybe catwalk is easier... =/
Please let my photos be nice nice........................
Monday, November 27, 2006
Just went for a spa with the girls~! so shiok.. fell asleep during the hot wrap.. But now i'm totally covered with ginseng cream.. haha.. Not sure how i'm going to shower later. Wonder if dear will help me scrub my back =)
Too bad dear cannot join me. I know he's aching from head to toe =/ Poor baby. Next time must earn enough for us to go to couples spa together =)
Banyan Tree................
Where's my Banyan Tree... lol
Lalala.. I'm happy.. blissful...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
zzz... stupid course... how the hell am i going to get 60 and above >.<
Friday classes never fail to piss me off.. Especially the afternoon one. Went for a run once i came back to blow some steam off.
Was quite relaxing.. listening to techno n running. But my legs were on fire after 1 round. haha.. so stopped n came back up. Now having a headache.. giddiness suddenly engulfed me =/
I wonder whats for dinner. Hope its fish beehoon, milk many many. haha..
Dear started work le. Yay... *eyes greedily @ his paycheck* heehee...
Going for a portfolio shoot on Wednesday. Nervous. Not sure how i am suppose to pose n smile. haha. And suddenly all my savings gone. As if my financial status wasnt bad enuf. Hope wont need to use too much of my mommy's ang bao money and i can get some nice jobs.
But its so exciting~! A chance to capture my "youth". All those dreams about being a model is surfacing.. haha.. Must occasionally dream a bit ma..
Imagine my face on buses.. On billboards.. On teebee... *w00ts~!*
-continues to dream-
Dont mind me... lol.. I'm waiting for my dear to come home =)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I dont like to argue with u.
I HATE to see u broke.
I cant help wanting to help u to go earn some money.
I dont want to see u without dreams and ambitions.
I cant help thinking you're wasting away ur life.
I want to have concrete plans, plans on which i can depend on.
I want to stop myself from meddling in ur stuff, but i just cant seem to do it. Because u seem to have grown so impassive about everything around u.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I just want to be happy... I want it to be like the old days.. when we just lie in bed in the dark after dinner n talk about everything.. and feel so sad cos time is running out and i have to rush home. I leave relunctantly but at least i know we were going to c each other soon. Those were the honeymoon days i suppose..
Older = more responsiblities = more maturity.
Do i have the level-headedness to proceed with my life? Do i have the sense to be working in the banking line?
I dont think i do.
It seems like when i'm happy, he is perhaps doing things to suit me... going out of his way to make me happy.
Which is not very gd for him, is it?
Have i been spending too much money? That was why i tot about the boots for so long.. I shouldnt have bought it.. I doubt i'll be buying the wallet le. No point.. maybe i buy a nice pouch.
I know i'm not very smart.. I do things w/o thinking but it doesnt mean i dont care. I stopped playing maple cos i wanna be more productive with my time. But that isnt happening either. I should start studying.
I just wanna know what lies ahead of us. Concrete plans.. Plans i can count on.
I love u dear. I just want to be happy with u.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I think i have a severe problem.....
I CANT PASS THE FREAKING STAGE OF LOTR... zzzz... stupid ghosts...
lol.... Refused to play maple and was tired of bumming around.. so decided to play some PS2 games... Was stuck at NFS so wanted to try another one... lotsa luck with that one -.-
Anyways, i'm looking forward to the coming year... I think yr 2007 will be a fantastic year for me.. or so i hope..
I'll be graduating (hopefully with decent results)
I'll be getting my new hse so away i go from all the nonsense here...
I'll be prolly getting married? engaged....
As despo as it sounds, i really cant wait to get married..
I cannot wait to design the hse together..
I cannot wait to be Mrs Sia..
I cannot wait for the time dear proposes to me..
I cannot wait for the moment the priest (?) says "i now pronounce u man & wife"
I cannot wait to start building a family together with the man i love..
I cannot wait to be officially with him.. and spend eternity with him.. and brave thru storms together..
And as bo liao as it is...
Spend the night together... as his lawfully wedded wife
Just thinking about it chokes me up..
But i dunno whats is dear's plan..
Does he wanna marry me b4 the hse is done?
Does he have any concrete plans?
If he studies, even in SG, we gonna get married still?
I wanna iron out these questions, but talking in all seriousness will only prolly scare him off.. And the timing always seems to be wrong..
But i guess dear has an idea of what he wants to do i guess... or i hope..
Dont wanna make him angry by asking too many questions.. Maybe he'll start work in Jan? Dec? We could use the money.. perhaps then i can stop my tuitions? And work on my studies.. Must do well...
Oh wells....... Nothing i can do now.. except wait.. =)
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Feeling bummed about it but yet i'm glad to be earning some extras. Plus it pays quite well.. almost $10 per hr...
I'm feeling "better" now... Got some "closure" le.. haha.. All e best...
I cant wait for dear to start working.. It be nice to finaly have some money, tho we'll be spending time apart. Seems like its hard for dear to want to start working.. after having got thru all the BS that has happened in NS. $1k plus a month seems sooo gd...
Feel like getting rid of 1 tuition.. too taxing.. but... the money is a problem.. Limited funds now..
Cant wait to move to our new apartment. Hurry up Lakeshore. I want to get away from all of this crap... I dont want to bother or think about it anymore.. I want my own personal space.. Our 2 people world...
Smtimes.. dying seem to be a better option.. Better than going thru life...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Suddenly have many change of plans.. Some gd, some bad..
Bad: got to go to update dear's photo, develop more photos.. and come up w a decent birthday present for his grandma by sunday. I pray it doesnt screw up =/ There goes our relaxing weekend, celebrated w chips n vodka.
Good: Going genting w him & his family! Have our own room too~! *slurps*
Really need the holiday.. my 3rd week of oct will be packed w tuitions.. but at least moolah is coming in =) Hope i wont get too snappy at dear... =/
Easily irked by someone lately.. Was i like that when i was her age? or perhaps even worse.. But i wasnt so spoilt.. sheltered... I can be rather bratty but to the extend of doing that to someone who did nothing to deserve such treatment? zzzz...
So paiseh sia.. And its so bloody irritating to hear her complain about something & not want to do anything about it..! Must everything be served on a platter b4 u can take it?
eg. hungry but dont wanna cook. Cold food but dont wanna reheat. Refusing to c a doctor on her own accord -.- [plus when u serve it on a platter for her.. She says its done wrongly.. Nice.]
Woman.. when we try to help... u just make us feel sian half... Soon, why bother?
Please let my hse be done asap.
Dear is fast asleep now. I love him.. i really do. I wanna get married, and be a family. I want to be Mrs Sia. Dont wanna slp now.. cos got to wake him up at bout 6+ and i dont him to feel too dreadful, as if the weekend is spoilt. I'll slp when he leaves.. and wake up about 10+ to go develop e photos. Perhaps can have lunch together..
Happy 73mths anniversary darling....
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Its 430 am in the morning.. Havent gone to bed yet cos i suddenly remembered that i had to confirm my timetable for the new sch term (which starts on the Sept 11).
It be my 21st birthday in about 9 and a half hrs.. Feels like all other birthdays, except people treat u nicer.. lol.. and for once, gifts had thought put into them.. instead of just the usual re-given gifts.
Suddenly have an urge to write my thoughts down in this vast waste land of cyberspace.. shrugs.. Been lazy these days.. diary entries are few n far between.. perhaps cos my life has been pretty mundane now.. Not that i'm not happy.. I've my dear beside me... Money is trickling in. I'm showered with presents in the last week. I feel loved.. =)
Lately, I've become a lizard killer. Cos i made a pact with him.. Lizards i kill.. cockroaches he kills. My mess-less way of killing lizards is to simply just pour hot water on them... And at the rate i'm killing lizards, i'm gonna have some pretty bad karma coming my way. I think i've killed 2 in the past 2 weeks? Saw one just now... scared the Jesus out of me. Lucky for it, it darted to the service balcony before i could get my cup ready.
The one that i scalded to death yesterday was pretty big. Prolly the grandpa =/ For some strange reason, I actually felt bad after killing it. Honestly. Yeah it was a muthafking big one and its prolly gonna start a family if i didnt get rid of it, but....... when i saw it writhing around (in pain?), i felt bad for that poor fella. I mean.. nobody or nothing deserves to die so painfully.. =(
Oh wells.. better start doing some good deeds...
And no dear.. massages dont count as gd deeds.. lol..
I better go slp soon.. Gotta wake up early.....
[Rest in peace Steve Irwin.. Crikey! =) ]
Friday, June 02, 2006
Been busy n stressed out w my exams... but at least its down to my last paper.. sigh...
Have been miserable for the past day. Realised that whatever was my fault... i dunno... perhaps i've been too dependant.. too needy... and too busy.
I'm sorry.
Anyway, take care everyone.....
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Here i am again after a long hiatus.. Nothing to blog about.. Been stuck w studying & going for super deary lessons.. & also.. I've been blading! wahaha.. My only form of exercise.. =/ Its really fun..
For some weird reason, blading is like swimming to me, except on land.. You know.. like the SAT english qns.. Water: Swimming.. I would choose Land: RollerBlading.. ahaha.. Nvm.. =D
Anyway, yesterday @ DblO ROCKED.. Woo! Just me & dear.. And it was sooooo gd!
I'm soo in love w their apple shots.. taste like Yakult.. drank 6 or 7 of that.. ahah.. After those shots, everything else didnt taste as nice anymore.. I'm totally off tequila le. Tried one and felt like puking =(
Lotsa angmohs there yesterday... =/ It was as if some of them would be committing a huge sin if they didnt have a girl/girls in their arms. I could see some lone angmoh guys jus standing around, looking for "prey".. yucks.. 2 guys just entered the dance floor.. and SWOOP! they just immediately went to talk to 2 girls who were fiddling w their phones at e edge of the dance floor.. Soon they were hugging and touching them.. =/
Call me conservative but i really dont like wat i saw.. =/ I think girls at pub shld be a lil more careful.. No? Too many idiots out there looking for a quick fuck and will really do or say anything to get in ur pants.
Lucky i was w dear.. One guy was following me on e way back from the loo. Kept tapping me on e shoulder but i ignored him.. Once, i reached dear's arms, he faster walked past me like nothing happened. hahah..
Went to e loo again, and he was there again! =/ aiyo.. so persistent. Told me his name n asked for my msn/email. Didnt want to give it to him.. Wanted to give me his name card but i told him.. "dont expect anything" Told him i was w my bf & he said.. "That would be difficult would it."
Nooooooo it wouldnt.... lol..
Ended up giving me his name card n saying...
"Sooo beautiful... Soooo beautiful.."
LOL.... guys will say anything... Marketing director wor...... Dunno the card real or not..
Anyway, it was fun overall w dear (will put some pics so wont be so wordy).. drinking & boogying the night away with my dear =) Nice to just relax n not think bout my impending exams =/ Muacks! love u soo much dear...
Sunday, March 26, 2006
And this time i'm not really in the mood to apologise. I didnt start it.
Indeed, i might not understand the magnitude of ur anger towards them but i seriously doubt there is a need for it to stay pissed for so long.
Coming from a place where my relationship w relatives r a bit strained, i really dont want things to degrade further just cos of that incident.
"I dont like her" jus dont cut it.
Instead of being so pissed (still), why cant u jus be cordial? Nobody is asking u to hold her hands and prance around. To me, its pettiness and ur just stuck in ur own world. She is, after all still ur relative and she has taken more shit from u than whatever she gave u that day.
Have you thought of the complications that i'll have? Having to explain ur behaviour? I hate being stuck in the middle.. but i guess its all about u?
Dunno la... i already know what ur retorts will be like... to me, it cannot justify how u reacted today. Today just didnt make sense.
Fuck it la.. i'm just tired of trying to salvage the situation all the time. Trying to make things better. Trying to make u not seem like the bad tempered guy. Trying to let everyone see u the way i do.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
(was so afraid i look like some guy... lol)

I bear a 68% resemblance to Liv Tyler & Alexis Bledel! *gasp*
I ish pretty! hahah..
And a 64% resemblance to Sammi.. lol.. Dear says i have an ah lian face =/
Put in another photo and got a shock... lol.. Brace urselves..
I bear a 71% resemblance to..............

FWAH... lol.. *unworthy*
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Dear is now at a crossroad in life.. a fairly important one actually. To study overseas or not.
Lotsa friends asked me this before.. If ur other half go study overseas, u how? laughs.. I also dunno actually. Been thinking about it for such a long time.
Its definitely not in my nature to stop him from going so yes, i'm encouraging pushing him to go for it. And there's no buts.. I dont want/like to be in the way of something that can really bring about a big change to his life (and maybe ours?)
If he's doing law, he'll be gone for 5 yrs? Thats almost as long as we have been together.. lol.. His reasons for not wanting to go is that we wont be around (or rather he wont be around) to accompany each other thru the crucial/momentous stages of our lives.
-Like me moving to my new hse next yr.. he cant help w the renovations, moving, choosing tvs, beds, linen..
-Wont be around to celebrate my 22nd to perhaps 26th birthdays n his 23rd to 28th (?) birthdays..
-Wont be around when i get my first job, first paycheck..
-And we definitely cant get engaged/married next year.. lol..
Actually i feel e same way too....... Deep deep deep deep inside it would really suck if he goes away.. Like deep heart wrenching pain.. Jus thinking bout sending him off kills me.. lol
And there is this eventuality that we might not even survive this long distance thing. Its a fact, whether we like it or not. Being apart for so long honestly doesnt help a relationship. lol..
But i jus really really want him to go cos its good for him. Period.
He has a chance to do what he wants. Like me, he's been just cruising through life (i still am) and its good that he finally has the drive to do what he wants.
On the other hand, it maybe good if he does go overseas.. cos i can then take the easier way out and be an air stewardess. lol.. It be cool to live the jet set lifestyle.. See the world (in between flights.. lol)..
Hiya.. dunno bah.. another meaningless post. Guess its really not a decision thing since there is nothing to decide afterall. I'm jus troubled.. no... perplexed.
Go bah dear.. Go be somewhere else besides this suffocating town.
And i'll be here waiting =)
Just buy LV/ Dior/ diamonds for me when u become a hotshot lawyer! ^^
Sunday, March 12, 2006
When everyone was enjoying their deep slumber or the Arsenal Real Madrid match.. i was running in and out of the toilet from 12 to 7+... puking n diarrhoea-ing... Was so tired of running to the toilet, i slept on the couch outside(nearest to the damn toilet), even comtemplated nodding off in the toilet itself... =(
It was so bad man.. Was dehydrated and tired as hell.. I seriously hate to puke.. all the bits of food and stomach acid will go up ur nose n be stuck there... Yucks.. Disgusting.
Dear brought me to e doctor first thing in e morning. Why does the doctor only come in at 820 when the clinic opens at 8?! Grrr.. its bad karma to let sick people wait u know =/
Anyway, i got a jab and bunch of meds (which is finishing) and ate crap tasteless food since. Except when dear cooked my porridge yesterday.. nice... =) Yesterday his family had birthday celebrations and there was CRABS! i couldnt go cos i was running a fever.. They da bao-ed a whole crab back for dear... my saliva glands were in overdrive as i watched him eat the pepper crab. AHHH.... THE AGONY...
I have cravings for soo many damn things! Pepper Crabs, Nissin Chilli Crab Cup Noodles, Brownies, Ice cream, Fruits, Ba Chor Mee, Fried chicken wings.... etc... I jus want tasty food!
Boohooo.... Might go back to see the doctor again cos i dont seem to be getting well... hiaz.. Damn u lousy stomach!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Makes me feel like putting my dancing sneakers on! Heehee... Wish i could have pursued a career as a professional dancer >.<
But of course.. the singapore system REALLY allows us to pursue our dreams. *jealous*
And people, please please watch American Dad on thursday 12 midnight on channel 5! Its like fucking funny and its better than simpsons! Parodies of many stuff worldwide! Dick Cheney, terrorism.. muahaha.. Hilarious i tell u...
[i think channel 5 should endorse me! I'm such a tv addict..]
Random Rants:
From now on i'd be studying studying studying! Accounts.... yucks.. Must encourage me ok everyone? If not i'll slack off after a while de =/ Hope i can do well... And that my brother can get me internship at GIC..
Plus my phone is spoilt! Cant hear anything when people call.. and smtimes it auto blanks out or the screen becomes all fuzzy de. So everytime people call, i gotta reject their call then call back! Irritating. This phone jus slightly more than 1 yr old only so fast spoil le..
Not sure if i should repair or change phone tho... Hopefully it stays ok when i bring it for trade in when e guy is checking it.. haha..Wanna get a cheap flip phone. Perhaps razor v3? But i dont really like e pink leh.. Then i go and zhng myself like xx.. haha..
Any suggestions anyone?
And i feel like eating Brazil (topside!) and getting a massage~! *bliss*
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I'm sooooooo happy my cake went great! Havent baked anything since peanut cookies bout 3 yrs ago. Is not i dont want to bake.... but got no oven =/
Now... i just hope it pass the taste test.. heh..
Thanx elaine dear! -hugs-
[Baking in progress] Was so so afraid it'll chao ta.. kept checking on it.. Smelling the air.. Plus i had to rush to lessons. So i had to leave the 2nd half in e oven unmanned! Seems like re-enactments of fire breakouts, no? lol..
Nice..? nice??! But i think it looks nicer than it taste. hee...
Flaws: A lil drier than i expected and not as fudgy as i expected (must not sting on heavy cream)
{receipe asked for 220 ml of heavy cream but they only sell in packets of 200 =/}
Had extra chocolate fudge so i made chocolate coated strawberries! Aphrodisiac, no? hee... It was sooo gd! I liked it more than e cake! haha..
Haha.. definitely have lotsa room for improvement... so till next time! =)
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Why? Why must he treat us like that? Granted, there are moments that would tempt him to betray us..... But isnt the memories, the happiness enough to make him want to stay by our side forever?
I tried to look at him w/o any prejudice, always giving him the benefit of doubt. Thinking that it is not possible. And that he is just a really busy man.... Fuck that. Whatever.
Then again, i'm the stupid one for always thinking the better of him. Isnt it obvious? Perhaps its cause i respected him and chose to ignore all the tell-take signs presented to me.
He lied to everyone. EVERYONE. Created strife..... Is that that worth it dad? Is it worth it to ruin everything? Jus for someone?
I just hope ur happy now..... cos enjoy it while u can. One day, i'll let everyone know what u did and let them see ur true colours....
Seriously.. i wonder if u'll burn in hell.
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Granted, the chinese character of 'hui' isnt the same... but its not everyday you see ur name printed on the back of somebody's shirt. haha...
Bimbo Post:
I've decided to curl my hair when it grows longer! Heh.. Tried with a DIY set on sunday.. And i like it! But my hair takes a painfully long time to grow, so i'll probably get a new hairstyle only in Sept =(

Nice ma? If nice, i'll put it at my start up page also. heh.. Cheers (at the back) is so pretty..
The CNY bustle has finally died down.. and Valentines' day is around the corner. For some weird reason, i just dont feel the excitement. -shrugs- Maybe cos i'm getting old.. lol..
Lessons are finishing.. School Revision Exercise is starting.. Mock exams are in 3 weeks.. Real exams are in 2 mths. Ahhh... And i'm still not studying! tsk... Plus i havent even gotten down to copying my accounts notes!
I'm really the Queen of Procrastination. sigh..
PS. i've decided to do away with my tagboard cos it expired and i'm too lazy to sign-up again. ^^
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I did something no one has ever attempted ever........
I spring-cleaned dear's room!!! *dum dum DUUMMM.....!* haha..
Wipe all his windows.. cleaned out the mess underneath his bed & in front.. packed everything nicely.. Not a simple feat i tell u.. haha.. Too bad cannot give his room a nice paint job.. If not it be perfect! lol..
For chu xi, had steamboat reunion lunch w dear at yunan.. Followed by another small steamboat dinner at his other relative's place and ate AGAIN at Coca Restaurant with my mom... Wah.. was so damn full at the end of the day. Lidat eat eat eat sure fat de.. haha.. Must restrain... cannot eat so many sinful pineapple tarts this year.. heh..
Today spend the whole day running from relatives to relatives.. Tmr will be worse lor... but at least can get lotsa ang baos & dress up! heehee.. So fun to bai nian with dear =) Too bad he has duty tonight..
hee... must slp early cos must wake up early early tmr! Havent been getting much slp lately =(
Xing Nian Kuai Le everybody! hugs! Take care~!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Heh.. Was 1 of the first few in singapore to watch (hah! Beat that alex... 1st time watch a show b4 u... lol) There wasnt any other celebrities besides the entire cast of the show, so no Tay Ping Hui (siiiggghhhh..) or Fiona Xie (srry keng.. lol..). Nick Shen is so cute in real life! Nice bod too.. I think his waist smaller than mine.. laughs...
And i had no idea Lido Theatre 1 was so big... Rows A to Z -_-" Madness. We were at row T so all the VIPs were sitting beside us. Everyone was trying to look at the people coming into the theatre.. haha.. so u see everyone craning their necks & looking at the entrance.
And there was a goodie bag on EVERY seat in the theatre.. Inside got:
Singtel hanphone stuff (no wonder my mom got this lobang)
A brolly
1 bottle of Mineral Water
I Not Stupid Too red packets (wonder who e hell will use it)
1 bottle of New Moon Chicken Essence & Essence of Fish w American Ginseng each!
Wah seh... New moon a lot of money to splash ah? Shld have taken more bags from the 1st few rows when leaving.. haha.. Or rather jus fish out the 2 bottles of good stuff.. laughs.. Kaisu Sg-ean rearing its ugly head..
Before the show started, there was a short hi-session by the cast members.. Took a picture of the 3 main guys of the show.. Quality wasnt very gd la.. But dont you think the left one quite shuai? Boyish charm.. i likkeee.. lol.. That's zhenghan's not-on-e-same-floor neighbour wor.. Maybe shld go hijack him one day when he comes back from school..

Dont really like the middle guy.. Not my type.. He's cool but perhaps too cool le... He's those kind of guy that can make Sec 1 girls faint by just looking at them.. haha...
MUST GO WATCH AH.. Its even better if u watch it from monday to thursday before 5! haha.. Cheaper. But its really worth it la.. I'm gonna go buy e dvd or vcd when it come out!
Plus another incentive of guys to watch.. got pretty girl wor.. (and she looks a lot better in real life! so imagine that! heh)
Monday, January 16, 2006
a) there's really nothing much going on in my life now..
b) havent been feeling well, down w flu & a sore throat. dear is super sick too.. Stomach flu bug is everywhere now.. so drink lotsa water everyone! =)
Later i'm going to the gala premiere of I Not Stupid Too. lol.. my mom's lobang.. She forever got tons of lobang de. Going to be in the same cinema as all the celebrities! lol.. hope tay ping hui sit beside me! ^^ Yummy...! Hope can take some pictures also.. [Keng, if got fiona xie de i send to u k... heh] Haha.. Dunno wat to expect.. scarly get interviewed...
"xcuse me.. wat u think of the movie..?"
Me: "*stunned* errrrrrr......... ok bah....... "
heh... so embarrassin.. doubt it la hor..
Chinese new yr coming le! ANG BAO ANG BAO! getting so broke =( my favourite heels is spoiling also. Hope Aldo have a sale soon.. This year gonna spend my eve w my mom instead of my dad. So dont have to go into malaysia.. for once.. I miss my ah ma tho.. But its gonna be fun! =) My mom says she's gonna open champagne when we get home.. laughs.. 1 big bottle 2 person share... xiao liao.. heh..
kk.. gotta go prepare lo... hope i dont over-dress or smthing.. lol..
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Today i spent the first part of my day w my first love.. and spent the next half with my second love, AH HONG~!!
Last night had a great time packing up his room and eating afterwards. Now the room is ssooooo tidy & clean! All it needs now is a paint job but...... we shant go there.. lol.. But ended up slping at 5 am =( and got dragged out of my warm toasty bed to go to yunan at 11+ am. Sigh..
Had to leave a earlier cos i was asked to go watch a perfomace at Victoria Theatre. Left relunctantly cos wont be seeing dear till tmr.. But i was glad i went. The performances were really nice, 'cept for the 2 solo performances which i thought was weird. lol..
Guys should get dancers (good ones) as their gfs.. So flexible (ehem..) And their waists are so tiny! Those pretty ones ah... wah seh.. lol..
When we left, it was STILL raining cats n dogs so i had to huddle underneath a brolly w ah hong n si yi to get to the carpark. Even tho, we walked in the wrong direction, got my shoes and jeans all soaked from sloshing about in the rain, it was real fun.. All of us walking about in the rain, laughing bout our own predicament..
Raining so heavily lately.. perfect weather to stay at home with ur dearest, kissing underneath a thick warm blanket.
missing u dear.... =P