this is a 4 day-in-1-post post so brace urself for a lengthy post.. heh..
Celebrated xmas eve at his aunt's place cos it was her bday too. So she hosted a bbq for all the the family members (including those really noisy, obnoxious kids). haha.. she was soooo busy.. so sad.. so busy on ur own bday.
Spend the 3/4 of the day alone.. cos he had DAY DUTY on xmas eve AGAIN... *curses that special someone out there* Luckily his dad decided to be kind and went to fetch him over to yunan..
Anyway, went to Jurong Point to meet his mom at bout 2pm. Helped her choose a nice pair of shoes for the New Yr & bought it for her!! Lol.. earning brownie points.. Spent the rest of the day watching the adults play mahjong & entertaining my dear Kipp. lol.. *ke ai* Must buy Lego for him for his bday.
The bba was quite fun. All of us squeezed round a small table n chatted over lotsa beer, stout n wine. lol.. Had a great time.. got even better when he was finally there! wah seh... so happy to see him released from tat prison. Dear did some excellent bbq chicken wings but too bad there wasnt much food left cos the relatives that went 1st didnt really save much for us =P
Took lotsa funny photos w everyone.. heh... great memories..

Xmas Day! Went up to yunan again.. played some mahjong and won $8 bucks! wee.. not too bad la.. better than nothing. Afterwards headed out to Clarke Quay to meet up w my friends! Walked one BIG round to find Momo but ended up cant go.. lol.. tsk tsk.. kids! heh.. jk jk. So decided to head to Gotham Penthouse. But it was deserted as hell even at 1030 pm.. Dunno why also. So finally we decided to go to MOS.. tat place cfm plus chop have pple. laughs..
The queue moved faster than expected so we were in after bout 35 mins? Being suaku, i totally didnt know there are many rooms.. Went into the first room (the RnB de) and TOTALLY hated it. Was still thinking: wah.. if this is MOS, then it SUX big time.
I was so pissed off there. The decor wasnt too nice, the dance floor is tiny and it was squished w pple! Yucks.. could feel all the sweat on the girls' backs n hair. And the worst is, pple were still trying to squeeze into the centre of the dance floor when it was already soooo crowded! U guys fucking blind meh? -__- Somemore this drunk girl beside me was all over her bf, falling everywhere and draping her arms over his shoulder and hitting me at the same time, all this while still squeezing into the centre. Felt like ripping off her stupid bracelets & kicking her. bitch sia... grr..
Had enuf of that crap so decided to leave. That was when we realised there were other rooms! DoH~! *slaps forehead* I lurve the main dancefloor.. cos it was huge & cool! Went around to look look see see and the Pure room is soo cool. Perfect place for a huge grp of friends to just sit around n chill! Perhaps next time eh? ^^ Someone accidentally (& painfully) interrupted a hot couple making out behind the door tho.. ahahaha.. so funny....
Ending up dancin till 2 am.. Love all the strobe lights (told u i ah lian at heart!) haha.. had fun looking at all the drunk girls (& all the handsome guys too! wOOt) *note to self* Never dance when drunk.. laughs.. paiseh sia.. Those horny ones danced like they were humping the bfs' legs and some were just flailing their arms and tossing their heads everywhere. Teehee.. there was this girl who was damn high.. she jumped onto the restricted platform infront of the DJ console and put on a show for everyone, only to get shooed away by a bouncer! hahahah.. Hilarious..
Legs were aching like mad so decided to head home.. Spent my whole Boxing day slping away. It was his grandma's bday celebration at his place but was too tired to want to do anything. =P
New year in 3 days but not very looking forward to it cos it means exams... Just saw my tentative exam timetable.. Dread....
Principles of Accounts ------ 9th May
Marketing & Human Resource Management ----- 31st May (1 in morning, 1 in afternoon)
Macroecons ------ 8th June
Sian.. means studying, getting stressed n worrying & whole new school term! =Pp At least i have plenty of time in between each paper to do revision. (tho this may mean i'll get lazy and end up hugging the Buddha's legs again). Need Banyan massage.. laughs.. But i'll be turning 21.. can get married le.. and watch R(A) films! wahaha..
[EE.. elaine's mom bought her a big-ass diamond ring for her 21st birthday.. lol.. i want.........]
haha... k la. k la.. very long le.. till next time~!
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