Hmm.. where do i begin? I'll never forget that faithful night at DblO, when i got totally wasted & Merlion-ed everywhere. 5th Nov. *shudders*
We had a blast, at first.. laughing, talking rubbish & taking all sorts of pics. We sat by the table, from 9 to 12 drinking non-stop.. tequila, gin & tonic, Vodka lime, vodka redbull, bacardi.... Everything came quickly, and we all just chugged all of them down like no tomorrow. No idea why we were in such a 'hurry' too. The last thing i remember was heading down to the dancefloor w Keng and returning back to the table in a while to down more tequila. Everything else was a blank. The next conscious moment was next morning, when i woke up in bed beside dear.. There was once tiny instance tat i did remember tho... i was lying in bed, puking.. with
sigh... First time in my life i got so wasted.. and i'm not proud bout it. Where was my self-control? How scary is it for a girl to not remember anything bout the night before? If not for my dear, so many terrible things could have happened to me. I think i lost some self-respect for myself that night. Plus, my stomach felt so horrible afterwards.. no hangover.. but my stomach was so bad that i puked out the med tat was suppose to sooth my nausea.
I feel so grateful to him. He had to singlehandly drag my drunk, non-cooperative ass back (no idea how he managed to drag me down that huge flight of stairs), while trying to make sure that my puke dont end up everywhere. He also cleaned up all my puke in the room & on me for 2 whole hours, even though he wasnt very sober himself.
the following segment is mushy.. pls stop reading if u are sensitive to such material. ^^

Thank you so much dear.. Thank you for taking care of me & making sure i was ok. *hugs* I love u =) *kisses*
Well, I've vowed to not touch alcohol in a long long long longggg time.. Just thinking of all the spirits makes me gag. I dunno how limbueytor can do this kind of drinking almost everyday. =P
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