A nameless passer-by, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past. It could be anyone, anybody. Someone coming, going, living in our anonymous society. A member of the crowd, one of the silent majority. The one who cries out, sings and dreams within us all.
Cirque du Soleil will be performing here, from sept 9 till Oct 9. I really want to catch their performance this time round. I've missed the earlier performance Alegria a few years back & I'm still regretting it. =P I really like the concept of all their shows. Besides being a showcase of CCRRAAZZYY gymnastics & acrobatics, deep within, i guess its a show that relates to everyone. Hopefully I'll be able to catch e show this time round. If not, maybe (and hopefully) they'll come out with a collection of DVD's in a few years time. Then I confirm plus guarantee will buy it ^^

On a less serious note, still deciding how to dye my hair.. I want her hair!! LOL.. No idea how I am going to tell e hairstylist tho. Seems kinda insulting if i just thrust the picture to the guy & say "nah!! Ii want this hair!" Oh well, got a few days to think about it. Gonna go do a 'Mini-makeover' after getting my paycheck! wahaha..
Aighty, off to watch soccer with him now.. i think he has fallen asleep on e sofa.. lol.. Till next time~!
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