Happy Halloween!! Too bad there's not too much hype bout it here in Singapore. If not i can dress up as smthing
Got nothing on, so we spent e day watching Simpsons Halloween Movie Marathon. Sitting on e couch from 1.30 to 8, eating chips & drinking coke, while watching The Simpsons is the fastest way to get stupid(er)... lol... Expressway to stupidity...
(On a sidenote, since we are on e subject of stupidity. Accidentally slammed the back of my head against e wall -_- hurts like hell but i'm ok.. laughs..)
Watching "A Date w a Vampire 3" now. A bit no head no tail & sometimes they say quite ridiculous things.. but who needs them when there's Ma Xiaoling.. lol.. For those who dunno, she's like this vampire slayer, who is perpetually in a mini mini skirt. Yes, even when she is fighting.. lol.. Wooo.. there's this new Tiger Beer advertisement now... starring e ever so sexy Jessica Alba. Lol.. I swear.. There was a mistake somewhere and i was born a female.. cos i love women... yummy sexy women.... *laughs* nevermind...
Btw, i stumbled across this super HOT photo of jessica alba.. maybe i'll post it after u guys treat me to a round of tequila *evil laughs*
Oh well.. off to bed.. must do lotsa work tmr.. Buy groceries and do my Econs & HRM notes.. (yes.. thats lotsa work..) Wonder how much i'll get done ^^ Nightz...